Back to Nature: An Outdoor Course

Americans now spend 90% of their lives totally indoors! It’s not just your tan that suffers from a shut in lifestyle. According to mass amounts of research, being in nature can improve your health, mood, outlook, longevity, concentration, and life overall. We have seen all of the warnings on news programs about the effects not being outdoors is having on our children. What isn’t being addressed is the effect it is having on our seniors. The amount of time spent outdoors dramatically decreases as we age. Add in lack of consistent transportation and the same view day in and day out and we’ve got an epidemic. This course aims to provide you with some helpful information about the benefits of time spent outdoors while arming you with an arsenal of great outdoor activities to get your residents breathing some fresh air…and yourself.

Utilize our easy to print format in the Click N Print section to make a quick reference binder with all of the activities provided within this online workshop!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Provide student with a myriad of activity ideas within separate activity categories.
  • Provide insight into benefits of outdoor activity.
  • Provide a quick reference binder for the student to utilize within their own facilities.

Workshop Content:

  • Outdoor Statistics
  • Benefits of Seniors Being Outdoors
  • Nature Deficit Disorder
  • Earthing
  • Back to Nature Activities
  • Indoor Nature Activities
  • Physical Outdoor Activities
  • Outdoor Parties
  • Resident Outdoor Assessment
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Loads of Activities for Bringing Generations Together

Loads of Activities for Bringing Generations Together
By: Allison Lewis Bennett, AD/TXC

The proximity of our family members has changed; it has changed a lot, but our need for one another hasn’t. In fact, the need for generations to interact, to connect, to make life more meaningful is more important than ever before in our fast-paced technological world. We should be craving intimate connection with people more than nearly any other thing, especially with different generations. Both the young and the old benefit whether they are the closest of kin OR friends from the community. The following course will discuss some of the innovative solutions to the problem of separation of the younger generation from the older generation in LTC settings, Assisted Living, Independent Living homes, and the elderly in the community at large. A number of activities are listed as well as personal experiences that were successful in engaging the young and the old.

Workshop Topics:

  • Activity Assistant Overview Page
  • Understanding the Resident(s) Page
  • The Resident Interview (assessment) Page
  • Activities RAP Guidelines Page
  • Meaningfully Engaged Page
  • Understanding Activity Programs Page
  • Activity Analysis Breakdown Page
  • Multi-Departmental Form Page
  • What's Legal? Page
  • Activity Terms Page
  • Tips Section
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Bucket of Games: Part I

Running out of activity ideas? Need a refresher in some of the safety standards concerning activities, like Alzheimer appropriate and food related? Consider this the course for you. Along with all of the information about safety provisions, you will learn the best approaches to each listed activity type and numerous planned activities to incorporate into your activity program. This course is designed to help you think about different activities types in a new way to promote the creation of an exciting and varied activity calendar.

Utilize our easy to print format in the Click N Print section to make a quick reference binder with all of the activities provided within this online workshop!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand Alzheimer's disease; the warning signs, typical age-related change vs. Alzheimer's, and the best approach for planning for this niche.
  • Learn new Alzheimer appropriate activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Better understand the evolution of arts & crafts, their importance in quality of life, and raising expectations for capable residents.
  • Learn new Arts & Crafts activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Ability to create meaningful clubs & committees through departmental, facility, and resident inquiry.
  • Learn new Clubs & Committees to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Understand the basics for handling food safely; the steps necessary for proper shopping, preparation, thawing, cooking, serving, refreezing and storage.
  • Learn new Food related activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Interpret the different affects physical impairments may hold for the residents.
  • Determine the physical needs of each resident through the discovery process (a guide is provided to help you determine the abilities each resident is capable of based on their listed impairments).
  • Using music to determine resident mood and create the ideal environment for the scheduled activity.
  • Learn new Physical & Musical activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Understand the benefits to motivating your resident and raising participation levels.
  • Learn new Resident Motivation activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Utilizing the staff to benefit resident's quality of life through staff motivation and appreciation.
  • Learn new Staff Motivation activities to incorporate into your activity program.
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Bucket of Games: Part II

In continuation of our very popular Bucket of Games: Part I…we present Bucket of Games: Part II. This course gives a comprehensive overview to five different activity types including physical, cognitive, sensory stimulation, reminiscing, fundraisers, and adaptations. Basically, everything that you missed from Part I is included here, in great detail, and still in an easy to print format. This course is everything you need to revamp your activity calendar.

Utilize our easy to print format in the Click N Print section to make a quick reference binder with all of the activities provided within this online workshop!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the importance of physical activities, specifically related to the elderly population.
  • Learn new physical activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Better understand the ways cognitive activities, balanced with consistency, can create big differences in their residents mental capacities.
  • Learn new cognitive activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Learn techniques for designing activities for residents suffering with Alzheimer's/Dementia.
  • Learn new sensory stimulation to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Understand the principles of Reminiscence Therapy, its importance, and how to put this therapy into action.
  • Learn new reminiscing activities to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Determine the physical needs of each resident through the discovery process (a guide is provided to help you determine the abilities each resident is capable of based on their listed impairments).
  • Utilize a 10 step guide to planning a successful fundraiser.
  • Learn new fundraisers to incorporate into your activity program.
  • Learn ways in which you can adapt other activities to suit the needs of a specific resident or condition.
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Connecting Generations: Intergenerational Programs

This course will provide the Activity Director (AD) with the reasons that fostering inter-generational relationships are so beneficial for both younger and older populations. Spending time with each other, being involved with each other’s activities, and tending to each other’s needs gives each group a reason to live more fulfilling lives. Small children bring joy and delight to the elderly just by being in their presence. When teens/college students listen to and appreciate the elderly reminiscing about life experiences it gives the elderly pride and purpose in life. Many examples of existing intergenerational programs, ideas for bringing the generations together, arts and crafts projects, group activities, and educational activities are included in this course.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will understand how intergenerational relationships benefit both young and old.
  • The student will understand the importance of implementing programming that creates social connections between residents and children/teens/college students through activities.
  • Upon completion the student will have many new ideas that will inspire her to start her own intergenerational program in her facility or in the community.
  • The student will have a variety of projects, activities, and educational materials that may be incorporated directly into her activity programming.

Workshop Content:

  • Family Traditions of the Past
  • Where We are Today
  • Preschools within Nursing Homes
  • Intergenerational Programs Benefitting Nursing Homes
  • Intergenerational Programs In the Community
  • Arts and Crafts Projects
  • Group Activities
  • Educational Activities
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Creativity - "Activities that Inspire!"

Activities inherently taps into the “potential and creativity” of the participants. This Online study program will encourage you as the activity professional to explore various ways to awaken the potential and creativity in your residents. This will assist you in developing programs that can be used to unlock the creativity in your residents.

Upon successful completion of the course you will have 5 clock hours of continuing education.

Workshop Objectives:
  • The student will explore the sources of Human Potential and Creativity within our seniors.
  • The student will understand that Creative activities connects the present with memories of the past.
  • The student will also learn planning skills to Inspire creativity in their residents.
  • The student will learn to plan creative activities based on the examples and the resources provided.
APNCC Approved:
- 5 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Culture Connections: Connecting Residents with Communities and The World

Whether you are new to senior activity departments or a veteran, you can have burnout, down time on creativity, or just get stuck. Using different cultural influences are a great way to add some spice to existing activities and to explore new areas with your residents. Hopefully you can take away new ideas and inspiration to open your facility up to the world!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Focusing on physical programming and integrating physical games, common exercises or music from other cultures.
  • Cognitive focus and interest can be achieved while exploring activities that challenge some and inspire others.
  • How to use sensory stimulation with music crafting décor and color while incorporating new activities.
  • Creating meaningful social gatherings with residents through food, drink, music and of course culture.

Workshop Content:

  • Domains of Wellness
  • Current/Past Culture Influences
  • Folklore/History/Trivia/Current News
  • Food/Drink
  • Sports/Games
  • Language/Symbols/Alphabets
  • Crafts
  • Music/Travel Movies/Documentaries
  • Flags/Colors/Maps/Royalty/Political Systems
  • Displays & Decor
  • Animals/Nature/Flowers/Climate
  • Religion/Spiritual Practices/Beliefs
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Flower Power: Enhancing Lives Through Gardening

This course will provide the Activity Director (AD) with the reasons that gardening is so beneficial and therapeutic to the aging population. Tending to plants, being outdoors, gardening, and reminiscing about gardening experiences give new meaning to the lives of those who have lost their independence and purpose in life. Many gardening ideas, group activities, event ideas, establishing a garden calendar, and actual projects are included in this course.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will understand how horticulture benefits the elderly cognitively, psychologically, socially, and physically.
  • The student will understand the importance of implementing programming that creates social connections between residents and their families through gardening.
  • Upon completion the student will have a tool chest of new ideas for starting her own garden in her facility with the help of community organizations.
  • The student will have a variety of gardening projects that may be incorporated directly into her activity programming.

Workshop Topics:

  • History of Horticultural Therapy
  • Benefits of Gardening
  • Activities for the Residents--Active and Passive
  • Starting a Garden at your Facility
  • Safety Issues
  • Events
  • Projects
  • Outdoor Statistics
APNCC Approved:
- 5 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Fun With Numbers

Discover the benefits of using numbers to encourage cognitive stimulation. We’ll discuss how to introduce the games, where to find ideas, and a variety of ways to incorporate number games. We will explore over thirty number games from basic math games to life skill games to puzzles and games. There are ideas for every population from memory care to independent living.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the benefits of number Games
  • Determine how to best introduce number games
  • Identify different number games
  • Understand the different ways to incorporate number games
  • Identify where to find ideas for number games
  • Describe how number games assist in cognition

Workshop Content:

  • Why Numbers are Important
  • Back to the Basics
  • Mix It Up #1!
  • Life Skills
  • Puzzles and Games
  • Mixing It Up #2!
  • Resources
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Fun With Words

Discover the benefits of using words to encourage cognitive stimulation. We’ll discuss how to introduce the games, where to find ideas, and a variety of ways to incorporate word games. We will explore over thirty number games from the standards to word associations to letter swaps to word pictures. There are ideas for every population from memory care to independent living.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the benefits of Word Games
  • Determine how to best introduce word games
  • Identify different word games
  • Understand the standard word games
  • Identify where to find ideas for word games
  • Describe how word associations assist in cognition

Workshop Content:

  • Why Word Games Are Important
  • The Standards
  • Letter Swaps
  • Word Associations
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Build It or Break It
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • More Word Fun
  • Games Page
  • Resources
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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Giving Back: A Year of Charitable Activities

It is better to give then it is to receive. We have all heard this our whole lives and with age and experience we can truly understand this to be true. Especially in our field of work, after all it is this sentiment that gives our jobs so much meaning. The truth is it gives all of our lives meaning, including your residents. One of the best way to fill their hearts and feed their souls is to help them to do the same for others. Mistakenly, some of your residents my feel that they have less to give due to their age, physical limitations, place of residence, lack of transportation…whatever it is they feel holds them back from contributing to society. However, they have the one thing that is essential in giving to another: time. This workshop aims to provide you with the opportunity to create charitable activities for your residents to participate in the whole year through. Make a game of giving for them…see how many lives you all can light up together for your Great Year of Giving!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Help the student understand the great health benefits that can be achieved for their residents through the art of giving.
  • Create more meaning in the lives of the residents.
  • Create connections between the activity department and other departments, as well as the community.
  • Offer activity ideas for ongoing, yearly charitable contributions and specific monthly activities.
  • Have resources for developing and contributing in other areas of interest to the Activity Director and the residents.
  • Understand how to setup your on charity for a cause that matters to you.

Workshop Content:
  • Health Benefits of Giving
  • Ongoing Activities
  • Monthly Activities
  • Start Your Own Charity
  • Charitable Resources
APNCC Approved:
- 5 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Hosting a Bible Study Course

My desire is to assist you in “Hosting a Bible Study.” I will provide the basics of studying the Bible so that you will have some foundation to be better prepared to share with your residents. Studying the Bible can help you see the hope and joy that only Jesus can bring. I hope this Truth is life changing for you as it was for me. I heard an author on the radio this afternoon describe the Bible so well--“Every story whispers His name.” I pray that you and your residents will benefit from the many resources that I have provided you with to hold your own Bible study that comes alive with the truth of Jesus Christ.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will understand that the Bible is reliable and is the book inspired by God, written through men, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • The student will be shown study helps to understand the Bible.
  • The student will be able to plan a lesson with the many resources provided.
  • Upon completion the student will be able to hold an inspiring lesson that keeps their residents engaged.
  • The student will be provided a list of Bible study guides, devotionals, hymnals, scriptures/Bibles, ministry resources, and gospel message tools to use with their residents.

Workshop Content:

  • Bible Background
  • Understanding the Bible
  • Planning a Lesson
  • Hosting a Bible Study
  • In-room Ministry
  • Bible Study Materials & Resources
  • Conclusion
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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Likes, Shares, and Faves: Social Media and Your Activity Program

Social media is a part of our society, whether we like it or not. For all of its flaws, social media can offer you a way to reach your residents in new ways. This course will start you off on the right foot, talking about internet safety and privacy, before diving into how to choose a social media platform for your activity department. You’ll learn how to coordinate with the marketing department as well as be inspired with plenty of ideas on how to make social media a part of your already engaging activity program. Participants will learn information in the course and then apply it with question prompts to spark conversation and further exploration for community-specific application.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand who uses social media and how to interact with this target audience
  • Learn three ways to keep your staff, your community, and your residents safe when using social media for your activity department
  • Learn how to develop hashtags and captions
  • Find ideas to get you started

Workshop Content:

  • Introduction
  • Social Media Statistics
  • Protecting Yourself and Your Residents
  • Waivers and Notifications
  • State and Federal Regulations
  • Internet Safety
  • Equipment Suited to Your Budget
  • Pick a Platform
  • Social Media for Marketing
  • >Social Media for Programming
  • Checklist for Establishing a Safe Online Presence
  • Conclusion
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Gender Specific Planning - Men Mania

Appropriate planning is necessary to provide the same level of quality care to both female and male residents. It can be daunting at times to select activities that may appeal to the senior male. This workshop is designed to breakdown some key things to consider when planning for this gender.

Workshop Topics:
  • 1:1- One on One Activities
  • Group- Both Male and Female Participation
  • Club- A Men's Only Activity
  • Alzheimer- Lower Level Skills Required
APNCC Approved:
- 4 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Person-Centered Planning Made Easy

Person-Centered Planning Made Easy
By: Sheryl Bacon

We all strive to create the best person-centered care we can. But, let’s be honest, it’s daunting to try and meet the needs of every single resident! They all have different backgrounds, different lifestyles and different levels of functioning. They all have different needs. Or do they? Dr. Abraham Maslow was a famous psychologist who based his whole career on the idea that we all had the same basic needs and it was only the methods of achieving those needs that differed. This is an idea that can revolutionize the way we approach activity planning. After all, meeting residents’ individual needs is the definition of person-centered planning. Once we understand our residents’ common needs we can plan group activities that feel personal and serve a purpose for each resident. It essentially give us a template from which to build our entire program. Suddenly planning for a couple of hundred different people is now planning for one universal need at a time. This course will show you how to easily shift your planning. You will be surprised at the difference this creates in the lives of everyone involved.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Learn how to meet the needs of many through thoughtful planning.
  • Apply psycho-social techniques to enhance meaning.
  • Learn how to adapt all activities and easily make them Person-Centered.

Workshop Topics:

  • History of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • Physiological Needs
  • Safety Needs
  • Love and Belonging Needs
  • Esteem Needs
  • Cognitive Needs
  • Aesthetic Needs
  • Self-Actualization Needs
  • Transcendence Needs
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Pet Therapy: Unconditional Love

There are a wide variety of meanings for the term Pet Therapy. There are different kinds of animals used in different types of settings and there are many purposes for the different types of pet therapy. In this course I will cover one type of pet therapy, called Animal Assisted Activities (AAA), and will discuss dogs mostly. However, many different animals can be used if screened appropriately, and you will see in the “Teacher Tales” that there are a number of illustrations that reveal this.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will understand the concept of unconditional love between a pet therapy animal and a person.
  • The student will know the different purposes of therapy pets.
  • Upon completion the student will understand the many benefits of pet therapy.
  • The student will read a wide variety of Teacher Tales to illustrate the benefits.
  • The student will be given information on several national pet therapy organizations that they can draw from to get their own pet therapy program started.

Workshop Content:

  • Love—Our Basic Need
  • What is Pet Therapy?
  • Benefits--Importance of Pet Therapy
  • Pet Therapy Visits
  • In-House Therapy Pets
  • Inviting A Team to Your Facility
  • Resources
  • Information and Sample Forms of National Organizations
APNCC Approved:
- 5 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Science for Seniors

Science for Seniors is a fun and fascinating continuing education course that is meant to inspire curiosity and learning. This course will guide you step by step in the use of everyday materials such as vinegar and baking soda to help residents discover their world. You’ll learn holiday science ideas from Valentine’s candy that floats to bringing a Halloween creature to life! And unfold before residents’ eyes how baby chicks breathe inside the solid egg shell.

Course Outcomes:
  • Improve cognitive function
  • Pick interesting topics and locate supplies
  • Planning scientific experiments with accurate scientific information and resource ideas.
  • Recreate 12 easy scientific experiments with your residents.

Workshop Topics:

  • Reasons for Adding Science to Your Activity Calendar
  • How to Setup and Run a Science Experiment
  • Monthly Experiments
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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Just for the Theme of It: Thematic Programming

Calendar planning is a fun part of our job, however sometimes it can be difficult to put together a month that “flows” or seems cohesive. Often, Activity Professionals think that planning around a theme can be time consuming and not effective. However, this course will get you thinking in a different way! Theme programming, whether daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly, can help you plan new programs for your residents, get your interdisciplinary team involved with activities, and can even help with your activity participation. This course will offer you the basics on how to implement themes, as well as give you some great ideas to get you started.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the role themes already play with our residents
  • Learn how to develop themes for a time frame (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly)
  • Learn how to incorporate your regularly scheduled programming into your theme
  • Find theme ideas to get you started

Workshop Content: Upon completion of this workshop, the professional will have learned about:

  • The Importance of Themes
  • Getting Started
  • Tying it All Together
  • Getting the Team Involved
  • Increasing Participation
  • Ideas to Inspire
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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Therapeutically Enhanced Group Activities

This workshop focuses on relevant literature, experiential exercises, and skills that an activity professional would need to “therapeutically enhance” an activity group. This workshop rose out of a concern that older adults in the nursing home were not provided with enough opportunities to grow and develop. It incorporates theories of lifespan development, tenets of life review, existential-person-centered psychology, and basic listening skills. The intent is for activity professionals to use the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they have gained from this workshop to “enhance” their reminiscence-based activity groups.

Workshop Objectives:
  • To add value to activity groups by incorporating psychological knowledge and principles, specifically the tenets of life review and person-centered psychology
  • To improve psychosocial functioning
  • To increase life satisfaction in the nursing home
  • To help activity professionals more effectively address topics such as death, meaninglessness, isolation, and despair

Workshop Content: Upon completion of this workshop, the professional will have learned about:

  • Lifespan development in older adulthood
  • Ego Integrity (life satisfaction) versus despair
  • Mental illnesses commonly found in the nursing home
  • Relevance of existential-person-centered(person centered) psychology for older adults
  • The process of life review
  • Ways to utilize life review and basic listening skills with your residents
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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Planning a Virtual Vacation!

What is a Virtual Vacation? A Virtual Vacation is a specially written guide, which allows the resident(s) to travel from the comfort of their own room or the facility. The activity is a story, which takes the resident(s) through the vacation as if they are actually experiencing it. The Virtual Vacation is meant to bring everything to the senses that one would normally experience if they were to visit the physical location or time period. Taking a Virtual Vacation allows the resident(s) to travel without ever having to leave and help them to break up the monotony of daily life. Keep in mind you do not have to simply go to another country. You can go anywhere during any time period and re-create themes and worlds out of almost any vacation! This activity is designed to include as many or as little residents/staff/volunteers/community in the planning process as you desire, from start to finish!

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the components that must be addressed in order to successfully plan a Virtual Vacation.
  • Understand how to evaluate resident’s needs and interests in order to interpret them into a more customized Virtual Vacation.
  • Establish outside connections and available resources to incorporate this activity into many different arenas of your activity program.
  • Learn how to plan and present your own Virtual Vacation from start to finish.
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Visual Arts for the Aging Population

This course will provide the Activity Director (AD) and Recreational Therapist with the reasons that visual arts are so beneficial to the aging population who have experienced loss in a variety of ways in their lives. Also included are examples of those whose lives have been transformed because someone took the time to work with them in the creative process. There is a list that accompanies the course with art projects and their instructions.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Upon completion the student will have an understanding of the cognitive and psychological and benefits associated with art and creativity.
  • The student will understand the importance of implementing programming that creates social connections between residents.
  • Upon completion the student will have techniques, ideas and tools that will help guide them in approaching and planning artistic activities effectively.
  • The student will have a variety of art projects that may be incorporated directly into their activity programming.
Workshop Content:
  • What Is Art?
  • Cognitive and Psychological Benefits of Art
  • Importance of Resident Connections
  • Effective Activity Approaches
  • Art Projects
APNCC Approved:
- 3 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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