Behavioral Health Regulation Guide

This course takes you through the Activity Departments Behavioral Health Regulations. Behavioral health encompasses a resident’s whole emotional and mental well-being, which include, but is not limited to the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders. Not surprisingly, federal agencies such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) support behavioral health and psychiatric well-being for individuals in senior care facilities. Specifically, the concern centers on the over-reliance of antipsychotic medication use for residents with disruptive behaviors. Unwanted behaviors must first be treated through behavioral interventions before psychoactive medications can be administered. This course includes several methods and activities for behavioral intervention.


  • Understand behavioral health
  • Recognize action steps

Workshop Topics:

  • Behavioral Health
  • Sample Behavior Triggers
  • Behavioral Health / Free Tag F758
  • Self Care for the Activity Professional
  • Common Mental Health Conditions
  • Unwanted Behavior Samples
  • Activities to Redirect Unwanted Behavior

  • Behavior Log – ABC Chart (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence)
  • Fact or Fiction
  • Definitions of Behavior Terminology – ABC’s
  • Avoid Negative Labeling
  • List of Words that Describe Behavior
  • Behavioral Expressions as Communication of Needs
  • State the Facts
APNCC Approved:
- 10 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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A Food Affair: Enhancing Activities with Food

Nothing brings people together, regardless of our differences, better than food. We all have a love affair with food. True, we must consume it to survive, but it brings a lot more to the table then that. It is one of the few activities that evokes all of our senses and can effectively wipe away the blues, if only for a while. Eating food is a pleasure in itself, but so too is the experience of making it. As Activity Directors, it is inevitable that food will be incorporated into our programs, either as the star of the show or as background for another planned event. This workshop is designed to help you plan food events that leave everyone satisfyingly full; emotionally and physically. So grab your apron and let’s get our hands dirty as we bridge the gap between us.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Understand the safety concerns and regulations regarding food activities as stated under Federal Regulation 812.
  • Understand the importance of food and how to utilize it as a tool for life enrichment.
  • Consider the cultural use of food and how you may be able to incorporate it into your program.
  • Learn a variety of ways to program food into your calendar effectively.
Workshop Content:
  • Food Safety: Federal Tag 812
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Food Clubs
  • Food as the Star
  • Food as the Co-Star
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Alzheimer's Approved: Understanding & Planning

Alzheimer’s is a serious form of Dementia that affects over half of the residents we care for in long term care. Currently there are around 5.2 million people suffering from Alzheimer’s in the United States. Every 67 seconds another person is added to that rapidly growing statistic. It is expected that the Baby Boomers will single handedly increase the current number of 5.2 million to a whopping 16 million by 2050. The impact of this is huge and it will obviously affect many areas of our economy and society. As Activity Directors, it has the ability to completely change the way your department operates. For those of you already working within this population, you know the criterion for planning activities is wildly different then planning other senior related activities. This can create many challenges, but if you are creative and passionate is could also provide you with some really amazing opportunities to have an enormous impact on a subset of our growing population that needs your help. This workshop is intended to build your understanding of the disease and those that suffer with it, while offering valuable tools to incorporate into your program so that you can truly improve the lives of those you serve.

Objectives of this course include:
  • Identification of behavioral triggers, issues, & potential solutions.
  • Comprehension of Alzheimer’s disease and its effects.
  • Variety of Alzheimer’s approved activities.
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Newsletters: How-To Workshop

Newsletters are an important tool for making your activity department a success. They initiate involvement throughout the facility and community, while establishing your activity program.

This workshop is designed to aid you in:
  • Importance and benefits of utilizing a newsletter in your activity program.
  • Developing your newsletter.
  • Newsletter content, fillers, and setup.
  • Adapting your newsletter to meet the needs of your desired audience.
  • Distributing your newsletter.
APNCC Approved:
- 4 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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The Five Love Languages for Activity Directors

The Five Love Languages were developed by Dr. Gary Chapman and became a best-selling book. This course describes not only what the five love languages are but also breaks each love language down for the activity director. The love languages can be used in the workplace, as well as in personal relationships. This will allow the professional to use the love languages with co-workers, residents, along with in their personal lives.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Identify the 5 Types of Love Languages
  • Describe why the love languages are important
  • Provide information on who created the Five Love Languages
  • Learn to identify ways to use the love languages in the workplace and in our personal lives
  • Describe what a love tank is
  • Identify how to handle different love languages
  • Understanding of ways to use each love language in the workplace

Workshop Content:

  • Why the Love Languages Matter
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Acts of Service/Kindness
  • Physical Touch
  • Gift Giving
  • Handling Different Love Languages
  • Resources
APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Towards the Light: Part I - The Dying Process and Helping the Family

Death. It’s intense, scary and sad. There is no denying these things. However, that is only half the picture. There is another more joyful and celebratory way to handle what is, ultimately all of our fate. It can be very overwhelming and uncomfortable when one of your residents reaches the end of their lives. Knowing what to say and do can sometimes leave you feeling inadequate to help. I believe the first step in overcoming some of these issues as the Activity Director is having a level of understanding about what actually is occurring. In this workshop, we will cover the dying process from a spiritual standpoint. We will also go over different rituals of death by faith so that you may be more sensitive to each individual’s needs. Finally we will cover ways in which you can help the family and friends of your resident to cope, which in turn can help to provide more peace for the dying.

It is my goal to help you bring a different energy forth so that you can help infuse the situation with an element of acceptance. I know you have an enormous heart, which is what lead you to this profession in the first place. I want to help you shine even more LOVE into your Love Centered Life as you help your residents and their families say goodbye.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Develop an understanding of the resident and the dying process.
  • Understand different rituals by faith.
  • Learn ways to comfort the resident and their friends and family.
Workshop Content:
  • Understanding Dissolution
  • Rituals by Faith
  • Helping the Family

APNCC Approved:
- 6 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
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Towards the Light: Part II - Planning for the Terminal Resident

Ironically dying is as much about living as it is dying. While the families and friends of your terminal resident may be focused on the imminent death, you and your resident will be forced to focus on the limited time left for living. This is, of course, is a natural part of dying. Your resident will want to reflect, seek closure and understanding, and engage in meaningful experiences. This is where you come in as the Activity Director. You have the beautiful gift of helping an amazing soul find its way towards the light. This may seem daunting and you may even feel incapable, but I assure you that you are the person for the job. Your huge heart and Love Centered focus has brought you to where you are as a tool for healing and everything that is needed is within you. This course is meant to arm you with loving information, understanding, and ideas that will guide you along. In the second part of the Towards the Light course, we will learn even more about the dying process from the dying residents’ perspective and we will take an in depth look at types of activities and communications that are most effective for you to utilize during this sensitive and profound period.

It is my goal to help you shine even more LOVE into your Love Centered Life as you help your residents and their families say goodbye.

The truest end of life is to know the Life that never ends.William Penn

Workshop Objectives:
  • Develop an understanding of the resident and their end of life needs.
  • Learn ways to comfort other residents witnessing the process.
  • Understanding the types of activities that would most benefit the terminal resident.

Workshop Content:

  • Understanding Needs of the Terminal Resident
  • Helping Other Residents Cope
  • Activity Planning for the Terminal Resident
APNCC Approved:
- 8 CE Hours -
Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center Logo
National Council of Certified Dementia Practioners
W-9 Form
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